Bokeh charts from my GitHub repo.

To generate these charts I used the Bokeh interactive visualization library and Python, along with 2015 data from the Arkansas Dept. of Education. Most charts use a Google Map with color-coded data overlay.  Each map has a Toolbar with Pan and hover tool (both already selected), and a tool to scroll in and out on the map.  Once the scroll is selected you may zoom in or out - but it's sensitivity is very low so you have to scroll a lot to achieve a redrawn zoom level.

Arkansas ACT scores averaged by high school.
-> Average ACT Scores

Economically Disadvantaged is defined as below 130% of the poverty level, i.e. a family of four with household income below $31,500.
Poverty Level info can be found here.
-> Percent Economically Disadvantaged

Average Arkansas Class Sizes.
-> Class Size

Per pupil average annual spending for each school in Arkansas.  State average is $9,641.65.  National average is $11,008.94.
-> Per Pupil Spending

Arkansas School Ratings.  These are determined by guidelines set forth in this Parent Handout.  The colors on the chart are mapped by points, not necessarily by letter  grades (though I did try to keep the grade-point system close the the handout's).
-> School Ratings